I can't resist from comparing this game to "My Summer Perkele" (name's changed, so it wouldn't look like some kind of advertisement), which has much fewer details on engine and takes waaaaay more time to assemble the car, but it's not boring nor repetitive at all (except a servicing your car again and again each time you returned from city, because parts wear rate is ridiculously high).

This easily could have been simplified by developers, but looks like they're trying hard to stretch out play time by such means and that's not the thing a good game should ever do.

And this process usually takes about 2/3 of gameplay. You have to go to inventory, memorize a thing you need to buy, then go to store, buy it, then repeat it again for other thing (because, usually, it's really hard to remember two or more things, especially when it's a part with some parameter (like tires), or an engine's specific part, so you have to remember it's full name, and most parts are engine's specific). * Car customization is pointlessly limited, you can't change engines, tuning is mostly formal and poorly developed. There's no sense in opening a garage expansion by leveling instead of good 'ol buying in the first place, but also the way you earn XP is broken, like, you get about 100 and some small bonus wherever you had to dig through the entire engine bay or just change the oil, in the first case you'd get about 150-200 xp and in the second - ~110 xp, so there's absolutely no point in taking a hard tasks, just take the easiest ones again, and again, and again. This game is nice from the technical point (not at graphics or performance, though they aren't bad, but I mean the car's engines simulation, This game is nice from the technical point (not at graphics or performance, though they aren't bad, but I mean the car's engines simulation, details and labor put into them), but almost trash from gameplay point, it's plainly boring, grinding and repetitive, like a worst android casual games.